The Millennium is an extremely flexible system that works as a PBX, key system, hybrid, tandem switch, channel bank, protocol converter, or conduit for data applications. The Millennium is digital end-to-end and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) compatible on both the station side and network side. Digital capability, universal ports, highly adaptable programmability, and architectural flexibility are inherent in the system design. Regardless of utilized capacity, the system is nonblocking with consistent speech quality. The system's stored-program database contains a full complement of software feature applications.


The Millennium system offers tremendous expansion capabilities so that your system continues to meet overall communication needs. The 8-slot cabinet provides eight 16-port card slots for a total of 128 available ports. The 8-slot cabinet may be expanded by adding two 4-slot expansion cabinets for a total of 256 ports, creating a full shelf. The equivalent of a fully expanded 8-slot cabinet, the 16-slot cabinet provides 256 available ports. The 16-slot system may be expanded further by stacking up to three additional cabinets for a total of four 16-slot cabinets with a capacity of 1,024 ports.

Features include support for:

  • 2-wire and 4-wire digital telephones

  • U Interface devices

  • Wireless handsets

  • Analog Line Card

  • Digital trunks

Millennium Compact
Millennium Compact brings to the small and midsize company telephony power and versatility once available only for large businesses. Based on the Millennium digital technology, the Compact software provides virtually the same capabilities, and because the same telephones are used for either system, hardware investments are protected.

The primary cabinet provides 32 ports and an expansion cabinet may be added to provide 48 or 64 ports. The main cabinet contains the system's power and control circuitry. It provides the capacity for housing eight line cards. Each line card is equipped with four circuits, resulting in a maximum of 32 ports. With the expanded cabinet, capacity increases to house 16 line cards, resulting in a maximum capacity of 64 ports. The system supports single-line analog telephones, eOn's digital telephones, and network analog circuits.

Millennium Compact supports most of the same applications as a Millennium, such as voice mail, ACD, LCR, Call Routing, and SMDR. The Millennium Compact brings the power and versatility once only available for large businesses to small companies and remote offices.


System Management
The Millennium platform offers extensive management features including:

  • Reduced Power Consumption

  • Reduced Costly Floor Space

  • Traffic Measurement and Reporting

  • Variable System Timers

  • 2-Wire or 4-Wire Cabling Options

  • Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)

  • Time of Day Restrictions

  • Feature Access Control

  • Call Duration Timer

  • Station Monitoring

  • Station and Trunk Class of Service and Profiles

  • Station and Trunk Problem Tagging

  • E-911 Compliance

  • Automatic Station Relocation

  • Remote Maintenance

  • Battery Backup

Benefits of the Millennium system management features include...System Security through multi-level system password protection, as well Station Message Detail Recording, which can help to track attempts at unauthorized use of the system. Cost Containment through the use of account and authorization codes, toll restriction, and Least Cost Routing.

The Millennium Assistant, a software package available for the Windows environment, provides administrators with an easy-to-use graphical user interface and task-based wizards to walk them through common telephone administration. The Millennium Assistant greatly enhances end user productivity by providing an alternative to command-based Remote Programming Diagnostics (RPD) programming in Millennium systems. Millennium Assistant places the power of Millennium station-related RPD commands in the system administrator's hands without requiring knowledge of the RPD command set.

The application's powerful capabilities include:

  • Point and Click Programming
  • Scheduling Flexibility
  • Quick Views of a Millennium Configuration
  • Printable User Guides and Company Directories

Benefits of the Assistant include...
Ease of use - Less experienced administrators can quickly gain familiarity and confidence with the basic maintenance tasks for the Millennium system.
Quick Access to Station and System Information - The Assistant not only provides a wealth of information about a system, viewable through an intuitive GUI, but also allows users to print company directories and customized user guides for each station in the system.

Tel: 603-524-2214
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